Jan 1, 2006

Happy New Year

The past week has been extremely emotional and intense for our family. Last Sunday, Jon's dad was taken to the emergency room of Sinai Hospital. He had been in rehab at a local nursing home, recovering from hip surgery following a series of accidents over the past few months. However he developed a fever last weekend and arrived at the hospital severely dehydrated and unresponsive. Unfortunately his condition has deteriorated since then and he is now receiving hospice care. Jon's siblings, Ali, and other family members gathered in Baltimore over the weekend to be at Larry's bedside and to help support Bobbie.

At the same time, this was a critical week for Matthew. The week following transplant is always the toughest week for bone marrow transplant patients. Matthew apparently made it through pretty easily, according to the doctors, but still had to endure major challenges. He had frequent, massive nosebleeds which would not stop due to his low platelets and which necessitated almost daily transfusions. He was pretty tired most of the week and had difficulty eating due to mouth sores produced by the chemotherapy. He was on a lot of medication and slept a lot. He also had some high fevers, which were pretty worrisome. Through it all, he has maintained his incredible
attitude and barely expressed a complaint.

By yesterday, he was feeling much better and able to eat and move around. He had visitors during the day; and we were able to spend the early part of New Year's Eve evening all together. Most importantly, his blood counts are trending up nicely, indicating that his body is recovering well from this cycle of chemotherapy. Once he is completely recovered, he will have a brief break and then we expect to start all over again with a second chemo cycle, followed by a second transplant.

This was also Danny's winter break week. He had playdates with friends, spent time with Jon & me and other family members, and visited with Matthew in the hospital. It wasn't exactly a vacation, but I think he had an ok time. It's tough for all of us, but perhaps especially for him.

Given the intensity of our lives right now, it's hard to think very far ahead. However, we certainly are hoping and praying for a better year than the one that just ended. Wishing all of you a happy new year and, most importantly, a healthy one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaime ... I have been reading your updates on Matthew since you began your comments and at last,I am writing to you to let you know there is one more silent friend who has been watching over you and sending Matthew good blessings.

My mother is recovering from open heart surgery and is back in her apartment near the Baltimore Museum of Art. I drive round trip just about every third day since the summer. We probably have been on the road at the same time.

At last, I am writing to ask you if you would like company tomorrow or even a coffee break. I will be back in Baltimore taking my mother to doctor appointments and will be done about 1 or 2. Could I come by and spend the afternoon with you both?

Does Matthew like graphic novels? My sons did at his age and still do. Ask him if he has read The Golem's Mighty Swing? I would be glad to bring him a few such comics/graphic novels if he likes.

Let me know if this works for you ... if Matthew is well enough for visitors. I check my email all the time.

Your whole handsome family is in my thoughts, Jaime, and I hope that in 2006 I can see you and Matthew out of the hospital!

Please send to Jon my heartfelt thoughts as well. My dad died at 59 of a sudden heart attack and as painful as it was for all of us, it must be so hard to have your dad pass away.

... Randy