Jan 8, 2006

Temporarily Free (sort of)

Matthew recovered quickly enough from the chemo and stem cell transplant that he was released from the hospital this past Wednesday, only 14 days after his transplant. He will recuperate for a couple of weeks before returning to the hospital for a second round of treatment (chemo and transplant).

We are required to remain within 20 minutes of the hospital at all times, which means we cannot go home. Cousins Brett & Elizabeth have graciously offered us their spare bedroom. So Matthew & I are now ensconced in a beautiful condo on the waterfront close to downtown Baltimore and just around the corner from the hospital. Brett & Elizabeth are relaxed hosts and wonderful company, and we feel grateful to have them.

Although it always feels good to leave the hospital, last week was stressful, as Matthew was released in a greatly weakened state and under all kinds of restrictions. Over the past few days, however, he has come a long way and now has much more energy. My focus is on getting him to eat as much as possible to try to recoup some of the weight he has lost over the past weeks. We're currently on a two-hour eating schedule!

Jon & Danny came up on Friday - and the four of us went off to a downtown hotel to have some close family time. We spent the weekend playing Red Sox Monopoly and visiting with Jon's family. Jon's sister Ilene and her husband Greg are in from Chile. The family is all on alert, as Jon's dad is sadly fading.

We are trying hard to keep up our spirits, although this is definitely a tough time. The last treatment was rough on Matthew (as strong as he is) and we have only a brief interlude before it starts all over again. We have to report to Hopkins every other day this week for check-ups and tests, which means we will constantly be on the edge of our seats waiting for the results. We anticipated this would be a difficult time - and so it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaime ... I sent off an email last week but you must have been just leaving the hospital.
I will be coming back to Baltimore on Friday as my mother recovers and I would be glad to stop by for a visit or to drop off anything for you.
I will call Jon and asked if there is anything I can bring over. Meanwhile, could I bring by a meatloaf and smashed potatoes dinner with a pie of Matthew's choice? Are you all on kosher laws because I can also bring over a vegetarian chili. I will bring by enough for you and Matthew and your cousins.
You are a trooper, Jaime, and we miss you at the Torah Group. Your family is always in our prayers.
... Randy