Jan 14, 2007

Amazing article by a c.i. recipient (referring to Matthew, click here)

This morning at the computer, I discovered an email posting on one of the listserves I subscribe to - Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss. It referenced an article in this morning's Providence Journal about a hearing impaired adult musician, Richard Reed, who has been able to return to music, thanks to a cochlear implant.

I was especially delighted to see the article because Richard is no stranger to us. He was introduced to Matthew several months ago and has been corresponding with him on and off, helping Matthew become comfortable with the idea of receiving an implant and also helping to shape his expectations of what c.i. assisted hearing will be like.

Although I knew a little about Richard before, reading his complete story in the ProJo was fascinating. I kept thinking, 'Wait until Matthew reads this.' Then, three quarters of the way through, I realized that Richard was alluding to Matthew in the article as his 15-year old guitar playing correspondent. How cool is that!

Check out the article (by clicking on the title above). It will give you both a good sense of what it's been like for Matthew to live with profound hearing loss over the past year and also what challenges he will face as a c.i. user going forward.

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