Oct 9, 2005

Settled in Boston

Just wanted to post a quick note to say that we are now settled in Boston and doing fine. Matthew started receiving radiation treatment last Tuesday, so tomorrow starts the second week. He is so far feeling no ill effects from the treatment - and for this, we are grateful.

We were extremely fortunate to find a great furnished apartment in Brookline, just down the road from Fenway Park. (Can glimpse the Citgo sign from our window - small consolation given the Red Sox' demise.) Jon & Danny were here with us through the weekend - just long enough to get us unpacked and to teach me the essential driving routes. Last week we were able to spend Yom Kippur with Jon's cousins Josh & Anna, and their parents, Susan & Joel. We were also able to see Ali and Sara & Steve (my sister & brother-in-law). It's been great having so much family support.

All along, Matthew has been excited to make the move up here, viewing it as a terrific adventure. I, on the other hand, was truly panicked at the thought of leaving home, separating the family, and losing my support system . It was especially hard to do this so soon on the heels of surgery, with so little advance notice, and in the midst of the high holidays.

I would like to use this space to profoundly thank everyone who gave me the courage and energy to make this very difficult transition. Thanks to you, by the time we arrived in Boston, we already had a list of housing options, families, social service agencies, schools & synagogues to contact - so many, in fact, that I still haven't had time to follow up on all of them. My concerns about being alone in a strange place disappeared with the warm outpouring of caring & concern. Arriving here without a place to live, we were graciously put up in various homes, received multiple invitations to dinner and many other offers of support. Within the first few days, several different families offered to have us live in their homes for the duration of Matthew's treatment. We have been overwhelmed by all of the generosity and kindness.

With housing in place, treatments underway, and Matthew feeling well, our goals for this week are to put some type of schooling/tutoring arrangement in place, to help him find a musical outlet (he's been busy playing guitar, writing and recording songs), and to find ways for him to connect with other teenagers.

As always, we'd love to hear from you. Best ways to get in touch are by email or cell phone.


Anonymous said...

I always spiritually support you. Last week I made samosas(beef pie) many enough to feed Jon and Danny for several days and planed to bring them to Jon on Sunday.Then I saw email from Loren saying that Jon and Danny would go to Boston that weekend. So our co-workers at the Bank and Sam's post office all enjoyed them.Glad to find that Matthew doing fine and you are settled. Araya

Anonymous said...

This is Linda Deutsch and this is probably a very dumb question, but do you have any idea how long you will be living in Boston? Just wondering...Glad to hear you are doing fine. Our dear friend Marian, who lives in Boston, said she contacted you but found you did not need any help! So that is a good thing! I am excited to hear that Matthew is playing guitar and writing songs! I hope to hear some of them soon and talk to you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaime and Matthew,
Glad to hear you've gotten settled up in Boston and things are going smoothly. Looking forward to hearing Matthew's music. Would be great if he could record it and you can post it on his site or on the blog.
Continuing to think of and pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaime and Matthew,
Your update touched my heart! I love Matthew's adventurous attitude!
Hugs and kisses,
Cousin Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm not sure how long you'll be in Baltimore, but I'll be there on Jan. 28th and was wondering if you and Matthew would be up for a visit. Let me know - if so, is there anything I can bring you from home? Anything anyone needs or wants? take care, Debbie Pollack(u1uhtalk@aol.com)